Columbia Lodge supports local community projects

Recently the Columbia Masonic Lodge showed their support for the Old Columbia Public Grounds Co by assisting in cleaning up and mulching the shrubbery in the Columbia Park. A long time supporter of the Pubic Grounds Company, Lodge member and Past Master Mark Zeamer organized this event. The Lodge supports the Public Grounds Company and   the Columbia Shade Tree Commission   with an annual contribution

Lodge members ready to go to work

Park project

(l-r) Tom Beaulieu and grandson  Teagan Sheehan, Ray Groff, Marlin Shughart Jr. Glenn Bachert, Andrew Zeamer, Chad Zeamer, Doug Miller, Mark Zeamer (who took the photo)

Columbia Lodge No. 286 meets monthly at the Masonic Temple 25 Cool Creek Road in Wrightsville. Lodge information is available or 468 4741. The Columbia Lodge, constituted in 1854 is associated with the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Masonic Bodies and is dedicated to community service by promoting personnel development of the individual


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