DeMolay’s “Take The Risk” Membership Campaign

In support of Pennsylvania DeMolay’s “Take The Risk” Membership Campaign, Elizabethtown DeMolay Past Master Councilor Alex Spence visited Lamberton Lodge No. 476 in Lancaster to challenge the Lodge to a membership recruitment battle.  Worshipful Master and Senior DeMolay Ron Carson, with the overwhelming and boisterous support of the Lodge members and officers, signed the “Declaration of Domination” thus accepting the Elizabethtown DeMolay challenge.  To sweeten the pot even more, Elizabethtown DeMolay has agreed to donate $100 to the Children’s Dyslexia Center in Lancaster if the DeMolays are bested by the Masons of Lamberton Lodge – but if Elizabethtown DeMolay prevails with the most new members by December 31st, the Lodge will donate $200 to the center!  The competition is on!


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