Ephrata Lodge No. 665 Stated meeting November 14th, 2017

Ephrata Lodge No. 665 held their regular Stated meeting on Tuesday November 14th, 2017. This would not be a normal Stated meeting for a number of reasons. First it was the first opening, soft opening, of the new banquet facility in the lower level as shown in some of the pictures. This was a project created by the Members and built by the Members. The Grand Opening will be at the December Stated meeting. This would also be Veterans and First Responders night. The Lodge meeting was opened by the WM Bro Jason Martin, with a few details taking place and then the meeting was closed and the District degree Team performed the Grand Master’s Veteran’s program ending with the Flag Folding and explanation of the folds of the Flag and with the playing of Taps. Next on the agenda was the performance of the old 19th Scottish Rite degree (since discarded) by the Reading Consistory Members. This degree is about the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln and Brothers helping Brothers. Very well done by the cast. On this evening there were approximately 35 Veterans and 8 First Responders honored, each given Lapel Emblems from the Grand Lodge. Well deserved by all. The Lodge meeting was again opened and the business of the Lodge was resumed. To the surprise of the WM, Bro. Jason Martin,  Bro. Larry A. Derr DDGM presented him with the 2017 Worshipful Master of the year Award. This was a Great night for Freemasonry and for all in general with a completely full Lodge room. Congratulations to Ephrata Lodge No. 665 for a Great night and Bro. Jason Martin for Worshipful Master of the year.


Larry A. Derr  DDGM 01

Brother District Deputy and Principal Instructor,

Attached for your records is the First Responders gift that I presented last night.  I thought each of you would be interested in reading it as is felt great honoring them in addition to the Veterans last night. Thank you once again for honoring and presenting me with the Lloyd Hall Award last night before my brethren in the lodge.  I know they all appreciated it.  It was a pleasure to have both of you visit Ephrata Lodge and I look forward to working with each of you in various capacities in the future.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Jason A. Martin Worshipful Master Ephrata Lodge No. 665