Lodge in the Woods” at Camp Mack Scout Reservation

Wednesday September 27, 2017, the 1st Masonic District of Pa. held their fifth biannual “Lodge in the Woods” event at Camp Mack Scout Reservation. This event features a full course steak dinner which is served from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m in the pavilion of the complex. At 7:00 p.m. a meeting is held at the outside amphitheatre under the stars around two firepits.  The Grand Lodge Officers have always been present for this event and this year was no exception. The meeting was turned over to the RWGM Bro. Raymond T. Dietz by the WM Bro. Jason Martin of Ephrata Lodge.  Nine of the of the 10 WMs of the 1st Masonic District served in Officers Chairs for the event. The District was very proud to present 9 Daniel Carter Beard Awards, 3 Grand Master’s Awards to Lodges, 14 Master Builder Awards, 3 Master Craftsman Awards, and 1 Master Pillar Award during the meeting. This is a true reflection of how hard this District works on achieving excellence in Freemasonry. There were approximately 300 Brothers in attendance with about 22 Grand Lodge Representatives. What a Great Night for Freemasonry. With this being a fundraising event, and given the hardships created by hurricanes this season the committee had decided to give all proceeds to the MSA Hurricane Relief Fund for victims in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico. Through the ticket sales and the passing of the hat we were able to donate $ 4,400.00 dollars to MSA. Also presented at the meeting was a check for $ 5,000.00 dollars to the RWGM for the Blood Organ Donor Club by Bro. Mark Mattern from the Grotto Group. Masons caring and giving for great causes. Thanks to everyone who attended and gave of their time and resources to make this event possible. The next “Lodge in the Woods” event will be held on Wednesday September 18, 2019, at the same location. Mark your calendars.

Photographer Bro. Larry Hudson.


Larry A. Derr  DDGM 01