May 21, 2018
The past six weeks have been very busy for all of us. The most memorable experiences this month again were the presentations of the Gold Emblems to our 50, 60, and 70 year Members. The Brethren receiving these awards have all remarked how wonderful it was to see all of you in attendance to honor them for their service. Their stories and remarks were special and comforting to hear.
The Wreath Laying at Brother James Buchannan’s gravesite was a great event for the Freemasons, our Military, and our Community. Short speeches were given by State and Local Representatives, a Brigadier General, as well as your District Deputy. Civil War reenactors shot a three round volley with their rifles in remembrance of Brother James. I was honored for the invitation from Lodge No. 43 to participate in the event. I hope to see many more Brethren participate next year. It was a beautiful day.
The Bridging the Gap Dinner held at the John Wrights Restaurant in Wrightsville was a spectacular evening. Brother Gregg Moore, Wrightsville Lodge, No. 503 and Brother Larry Hudson, Lamberton Lodge, No. 496 put a lot of effort and time to arrange this wonderful evening for all of us. Everyone I spoke to could not say enough about the evening and agreed that we should have more events like this. For those of you who hesitated not to come, you missed a great evening. Thank you Brother Gregg and Brother Larry, we are looking forward to the next one.
Although an exhausting experience, we had a fun day at the Dodgeball for the DeMolay. Ashara-Casiphia Lodge, No. 551 was the first team to be eliminated. Worshipful Master, Richard A. Gibble(No. 551) and his team, all members from his Lodge, did a great job despite their early loss. I really appreciate the Brothers who attended and so did the DeMolay. Some of the Brothers were so excited they said, “Brother Ron lets organize this for the Masons in September or October.” I told them to call me the following day and let me know after they see how they felt. I still have not heard from anyone.
I have, with the help of Brother Ron Baier, PM, Manheim Lodge; No. 587 organized a Past Master Night to be held June 23rd at the Elstonville Sportsman Club from 6:00p.m. – 9:00 p.m. If you have the Word of the Chair, meaning, you are a Past Master or a current Worshipful Master, I would like to invite you to the first annual Past Master Night. The meal will be catered by Hess’s Barbecue. The cost is $25.00. Please RSVP by June 15th to your Lodge Secretary. See the Newsletter for details.
Remember to put on your schedule the Grand Lodge Quarterly and the Lodge of Research. There are buses available from the Masonic Villages but you must RSVP for a seat. Details and other events are available online.
And lastly, please remember to support your Lodge and Officers as well as your new Members. Fellowship and Mentoring are very important to establish Brotherly Love and the feeling of belonging to something great, like our Fraternity.
Thank you for your support and fraternally,
Brother Ronald B. Carson, DDGM 01