Over ten years ago, what started as a small group of Lamberton Lodge No. 476 members getting together Thursday mornings for breakfast, has grown into a weekly gathering nicknamed “The Goose and Gridiron Breakfast Society”. The informal get-together now regularly attracts Brothers, friends, and family from several Lodges and Districts in the area.
One of these regular attendees, Bro. Robert R. Mowrer Jr., originally a member of Andrew H. Hershey Lodge No. 764, now holding membership in both Lodge No. 43 and Lamberton Lodge No. 476, began bringing his son, Robert R. Mowrer III, to breakfast. After attending for over a year, Bob the III, asked if he could join the Fraternity and Lamberton Lodge No. 476. The answer was a resounding YES. The regularly attendees of breakfast were thrilled to hear that Bob the III would soon join their ranks, but due to Bob’s work schedule, and his father’s limited travels, the group went to labor in search of a solution for conferral dates.
On April 14th, 2018, by dispensation, Lamberton Lodge No. 476 conferred all three degrees on Bob Mowrer III.
ALL in attendance including: officers, conferring Masters, and visitors, for the one day conferral, were regular attendees of the Goose and Gridiron Breakfast Society, including Bob’s father, who sat Chaplain for the degrees.
It was a day full of emotions, and Bro. Bob Mowrer Jr. was a very proud father that day. There may not have been a dry eye in the Lodge room when Bro. Bob addressed his son and new Master Mason, presenting him with his first lapel pin and first words of Masonic encouragement. It was a pleasure and honor for all Goose and Gridiron Masons to be in attendance and share in the Mowrers’ Masonic experience.
The Goose and Gridiron Breakfast Society meets Thursdays, 9:00 AM, at the Moveable Feast, 350 Highland Dr., Mountville PA, 17554
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