History of Treichler Lodge No. 682
A group of Masonic Brothers gathered at the home of Harry . Miller on March..19, 1915, to discuss the possibility of forming a lodge at Elizabethtown. This group elected Richard H. Lawry, President and Henry T. Horst as Secretary. They agreed to pay a $10.00 membership fee and if a warrant is obtained a membership fee for new Masons would be $50.00. This Hall Association would be composed of all charter members and they then elected Henry U. Coble as treasurer. A second meeting of this group numbering twenty assembled at the Miller home. They agreed that if a Lodge is warranted they should then rent Heisey”s Hall at East Bainbridge and South Market Streets. With light, heat and water included, the building rent was $180.00 per annum. A committee was formed to “wait” on the Right Worshipful Grand Master and Grand Officers in regards to obtaining a Warrant. The committee was composed of Richard H. Lawry, Henry T. Horst, Henry U. Coble, Charles B. Dierolf and Henry Miller.
On April 28, 1915, members of the Masonic Fraternity numbering 26 assembled in Heisey”s Hall on the corner of South Market and East Bainbridge Streets with Richard H. Lawry, presiding, whereupon the following officers were elected by secret ballot:
- Worshipful Master – Richard H. Lawry
- Senior Warden – John Shookers
- Junior Warden – Irvin Shiffer
- Secretary – Henry T. Horst
- Treasurer – George Boggs
- Trustee – John Redsecker
- Trustee – Henry Coble
- Trustee – N. Franklin Heckler
- Representative in the Grand Lodge – J. Harvey Buch
Several names for the Lodge were proposed, but none were adopted at this meeting. June 16, 1915
The Hall Association met again on June 16, 1915 and listed furniture to be purchased for the Lodge Room at a projected cost of $651.50, with additional second hand chairs to be purchased at $0.50 each. The rent of the hall (which was owned by Brother Alfred A. Abele) for the entire third floor had been decreased to $147.00 per annum.
At a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge, held on September 15, 1915, Lodge No. 682 was constituted. The meeting was conducted on the third floor of “the Heisey Building.” Fifteen brethren present representing the Grand Lodge were as follows: J. Henry Williams, Grand Master; Thaddeus G. Helm, Acting-Deputy Grand Master; Ira D. Smith, Acting-Senior Grand Warden; B. Frank Eby, Acting-junior Grand Warden; Henry C. Schock, Acting-Grand Treasurer; John A. Perry, Grand Secretary; I. Howard Kern, Grand Chaplain; Frank G. Hartman, Senior Grand Deacon; J. Frederick Fisher, Junior Grand Deacon; Henry M. Myers, Grand Steward; Bernard J. Myers, Grand Steward; Andrew H. Hershey, Grand Marshal; John R. Kauffman, Grand Sword Bearer; Milton E. Gingrich, Grand Pursuivant; William B. Joslyn, Grand Tyler.
It wasn”t until the year 1926 when the officers and members of Lodge No. 682 finally acted to name the Lodge in honor of the man whose name had been such an honored one at the time of constitution. Because of his longing and working for the warranting of a Lodge in Elizabethtown, a resolution was adopted to petition Grand Lodge to name Lodge No. 682 the “Abraham C. Treichler” Lodge. The petition was approved.
Abraham C. Treichler Lodge continued to meet in the same Hall where it had been constituted until the year 1958. In that year the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania completed and dedicated the Masonic Temple of the Masonic Homes. This Lodge was built for Lodges from all parts of the Grand Jurisdiction to meet from time to time, and where the Brethren in the Homes could have an opportunity to attend. This Masonic Temple, truly symbolic in its layout and design, became the regular meeting place of Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682 by permission of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, and our first stated meeting was held in the new Temple on April 21, 1958.
Now meeting at the Masonic Village, the Lodge has a wonderful opportunity to serve Freemasonry, by conducting regular Masonic meetings and conferring degrees where residents of the Village can attend and participate. Our mission to reach out to all Masons living in our community, regardless of their mother Lodge, has become even more meaningful.
The image of our Craft as erected by the brethren responsible for the Constitution of Abraham C. Treichler Lodge, continues to live in the minds of those who follow in their footsteps.
With a firm conviction that Freemasonry is a powerful force in the hearts and minds of its members, and with the never-ceasing blessings of Almighty God, Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682 will continue to serve the Masonic Fraternity and the community of Elizabethtown. We must never lose sight of our primary goal of making good men better and inspiring their hearts to practice the virtues of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
Treichler Lodge No. 682 Information
Treichler Lodge No. 682 Meets at 1 Masonic Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Phone: 717-361-5135
Web Address: www.etownmasons.org
Facebook Page: facebook.com/act682
Google Map to Treichler Lodge No.682