David Zeamer, was recently raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in the Columbia Masonic Lodge joins his father, Mark and brothers Andrew and Ben in having the Zeamer family a total family of Masons! David, a graduate of Millersville University currently pursuing a Masters degree in technology in education resides in Mount Joy and teaches 5th. Grade at Farmdale School Brother Andrew and Father Mark served as Worshipful Masters in the Columbia Lodge.
(l-r) Andrew M. Zeamer, David C. Zeamer, Mark C. Zeamer, Ben S. Zeamer
Columbia Lodge No. 286 meets monthly at the Masonic Temple 25 Cool Creek Road in Wrightsville. Lodge information is available at www.columbialodge286.org. or 468 4741. The Columbia Lodge, constituted in 1854 is associated with the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Masonic Bodies and is dedicated to community service by promoting personnel development of the individual.